Monday, March 30, 2009

Production Strategy

I am going to try to make a video of street signs and get as many shots of all different types of them. I want to use the area close to my Drift 1 sound walk area because I am thinking of mixing unique traffic sounds to work with the shots of the street signs.

My two strategies are:
  • Take pictures/video of the whole street sign(s)
  • Take close up pictures/video of street signs
I will try to get to streets that do not have heavy traffic to I can get unique recordings of traffic. Since we don't have to have any kind of algorithms for getting the video for drift 2 I will walk about my neighborhood taking pictures of all the street signs that I can find. I am unsure if I want to use stop motion or actual videos of the signs.

Drift map #2

Here is where I plan on walking to get my new sounds and my pictures/video for my Drift 2. I choose to use the same area for my second drift because I think I can get a lot of other sounds that I missed from my first drift.

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